Finding new technology is like unwrapping a Christmas gift! However, finding a way to use that technology in a meaningful way is not always so easy. TPACK, which stands for Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge, is a way of thinking which incorporates all essential aspects of 21st century learning. Today, I was able to unpack this a bit and develop some lessons using this model. We first focused on the content, then the pedagogy, and then incorporating technology into the lesson- not building the lesson around technology. TPACK is essential in helping teachers use a higher level of technology in their classrooms.
One way to effectively use technology in the classroom is through apptivities. No, I didn't create a new word. Apptivities are lessons designed for students to be guided through the use of apps. I am truly excited to implement this with my lessons. Not only does it utilize technology but it encourages collaboration and teamwork!